World Children’s Day – Intercultural/Intergenerational Workshop
Investing in our future means investing in our children — which is why the United Nations has designated every November 20 as Universal Children’s Day. It’s a time to promote togetherness around the world, awareness of the problems children face in every corner of the globe, and improve the welfare of all children.
On this opportunity, we organized an intercultural/intergenerational workshop together with Latin Association(Latinsko Društvo).
There will be interactive games and activities in which parents will cooperate with their kids during the event and also presentations in 3 languages by children.
Furthermore, there will be a selection of Turkish and Latin American foods and snacks where you can enjoy interculturality also with different cuisines.
Mmmm. Can’t wait!
So you are also invited to join your kids. (Recommended ages between 6-14)
Important Note: We will mostly be on the floor for our activities. Please bring your yoga mat with you!
Due to the limited number of participants please register with the registration form from down below
When: On Saturday 19th of November at 11:00
How Long: Approx. 1 hour
Where: Krekov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana – Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Lutkovno gledališče)
How Much: Free of Charge
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve
Latinoamericanos en Eslovenia – Latinsko Društvo