“Let’s Pop Up the Bubbles” Training

Do you lead a group, a movement, a parish, or an organization? Do you face disagreements, conflicts, or structures in the group that do not speak to each other? Or are you so much in agreement on everything that anyone who differs too much would be a real shock to you?

Do you believe that different perspectives and ways of working can bring something completely new to your group and even push you a few steps further? People are different. This diversity can be a source of disagreement and conflict or a path to a better life for all! Good and honest dialogue is the key. We already know all this in theory, but how to conduct dialogue in practice!

You are invited to a 1-day training, Pop Up the Bubbles, where you will learn how to take your group, movement, or organization a few steps further by embracing diversity and through quality intercultural dialogue!

You can register from the link down below.

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The training will take place on Saturday 29 October 2022, from 9:00 to 17:00.


The training, which will last 8 teaching hours, will take place in the Large Classroom of the Social Academy at 132 Tržaška Street in Ljubljana.

How Much?

The training is free of charge for everyone who is active in a group or movement, parish, organization, etc.!

Coffee, tea, sweet and salty snacks, and lunch will also be provided for participants.

Each participant will also receive a free manual of “Let’s Burst the Bubbles” after the training.


➡9:00 – 10:30 – Session 1: Introduction, background, and some theory
🔴Break with Turkish coffee and tea
➡10:50 – 12:20 – Session 2: How to make real and lasting change through intercultural dialogue?
🔴Organized lunch together
➡13:30 – 15:00 – Session 3: How to conduct intercultural dialogue and raise even the most difficult topics?
🔴Break with Turkish coffee and tea
➡15:20 – 17:00 – Session 4: Some useful methods for group work

Who Will Lead The Training?

MATEJ CEPIN runs the Social Academy and the “Pop Up the Bubbles” project. He has 25 years of experience as an educator in the fields of youth work, adult education, community building, and responsible citizenship. He helps NGOs, public institutions, and companies with strategic development and leaders with personal growth. He is also a host on the “Burning Bush” podcast.

JANEZ SNOJ heads the St George Parish Institute in Stara Loka. He is a graduate in communication and an educator of preschool children. Husband and father of three children. He spent more than a dozen years abroad, where he was educated by people who think, speak, and believe differently. Creating space for dialogue in seemingly impossible situations comes from experience, not theory. Building bridges between religions, between faiths, between the private and the public, between the ecclesial and the secular… He sees the project Let’s Pop Up the Bubbles as an important step forward, as it crosses the reach of dialogue into a creative love of the third. It gives birth to a concrete fruit.

FURKAN GUNER comes from Turkey. He is an intercultural mediator for Slovenian and Turkish culture and a geographer and political scientist by education. He has lived in Slovenia for nine years. Since 2017, he has been the legal representative of the Association for Intercultural Dialogue and coordinator of projects in the field of intercultural dialogue, integration, integration of migrants, and active citizenship. He is also the author and presenter of the migrant program Enolončnica at Radio Študent, where he tries to break down prejudices about migration with success stories of migrants.

IGOR BAHOVEC is a physicist and a Ph.D. in sociology. He works at the Faculty of Theology and the Institute for Development and Strategic Analysis in Ljubljana. His research interests are communities, the person, the family, civil society, social capital, postmodern culture, identity, religion, and the possibility of a transition to a new era of Western civilization and the role of Christianity in this. It focuses on the thought of Pope Francis, in particular on the themes of the family, integral ecology, the identity of Europe, fraternity, and social friendship. He has published a number of scientific and professional articles and two scholarly books: Postmodern Culture and Spirituality and Communities: Theories, Forms, Meanings. He has already lectured at Draga in 2017.

The training will take place in the framework of the Pop Up the Bubbles project, implemented by the partners:

1️⃣Socialna akademija (prijavitelj)

2️⃣Župnijski zavod sv. Jurija Stara Loka

3️⃣Društvo medkulturni dialog

4️⃣Mangfold Huset (Norveška)