Humelody: Together We Are Stronger!

Migrants play an important role in enriching societies, but to make this happen, a process of mutual understanding, democracy, and respect for human rights is needed.

In these days when we have left Christmas behind us, Pope Francis inspires us with his words that reflect the mission of Humelody:

“Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life… Do we not all want a better, more dignified, and prosperous life to share with our neighbors?”

-Pope Francis, 17 January 2016

“Let us remember the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…. If we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us give opportunities.”

-Pope Francis, 19 June 2016

The Humelody Project aims to help young migrants better understand democracy and human rights and to integrate more effectively into the societies in which they live. Together we can create a more just, inclusive, and powerful world!

Vienna Institute for Dialogue

Lernpoint – Bildungsinstitut und Sprachschule
